Hello! I'm Zephyr Tay, a software engineer from Singapore. I turn ideas into reality, and love every moment of it ❤️.

My journey started at the National University of Singapore, where I studied Biomedical Engineering. I then spent a year working as a research engineer, figuring out how to detect covid-19 with your breath - I know, very cool! You must wondering... how did I get from THAT to software engineer?

The answer lies with realising what I was most passionate about. The thing that motivates me to wake up in the morning - well, apart from a cup of coffee ☕. I discovered that what drives me isn't curing diseases, or trying to grow a human heart to save human lives. It was chasing the "AHA" moment you get, the eureka moment some might say, when you solve that problem you've been cracking your head on for the past 4 hours. Software development scratched that itch so I dived in and never looked back.